PT. AKR Corporindo, Tbk
Jakarta, 22 April 2022 - PT AKR Corporindo (IDX stock code: AKRA.IJ) received award from Bumi Global Karbon, Berita Satu, and Investor Magazine today as the winner of the Corporate Emissions Transparency in the category of transparency in emissions calculation from the stock issuer sector with GOLD predicate. This award was presented in live streaming coincide with Earth Day, on Berita Satu channel ( It is an appreciation for AKR in disclosing 2 scopes of emissions calculation and in reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions based on operation in 2020.
The assessment and ranking of various corporations in Indonesia was carried out by Berita Satu Media Group in collaboration with Bumi Global Karbon Foundation, which is a member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). The reference data was taken from the Company's sustainability report of 2020, which was published in 2021. This awarding is an appreciation for the achievement of corporate environmental performance in building awareness to protect earth through national and international emissions reduction.
Representing AKR, Mr. Felix Abednego as Head of Human Resources Department expressed his gratitude, “Thank you to Bumi Global Karbon Foundation, Berita Satu, and Investor Magazine for the appreciation given to PT AKR Corporindo Tbk as one of the companies that disclosed emissions reduction in 2020 with “GOLD” predicate.
“We realize as a company that is oriented towards sustainable growth, achievement is not only measured from financial aspect. PT AKR Corporindo Tbk pays great attention to the development and achievement of environmental, social, and governance aspects as the main support factors in achieving sustainable business growth.”
“As a company that engaged in trading-distribution of fuel and basic chemicals, providing logistics services, as well as managing green industrial estate, the Company must pay close attention to the use of our energy so that it is efficient and gives low emission impact. We drive Company's presence amid Indonesian economy for 6 decades to be sustainable. We strive for this, one of which is by developing programs related to environmental protection and preservation so that Earth can be a better place to live.”
“This Corporate Emissions Award will certainly encourage PT AKR Corporindo Tbk to carry out continuous improvement regarding to the use of energy that produces emissions. And motivates us to develop Company's sustainability policy further.”