PT. AKR Corporindo, Tbk
JAKARTA, November 23th, 2022– PT AKR Corporindo (IDX stock code: AKRA.IJ) is pleased to announce that on November 20’ 2022, the subsidiary of AKRA (PT.BKMS/PT.BMS) which operates Special Economic Zone Gresik - Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (SEZ JIIPE) officially received operational certificate based on the Decree of the Chairman of the Board National Special Economic Zone (SEZ) No 1 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of SEZ Gresik Operational approved by The Coordinating Minister for Economy - Airlangga Hartarto as The Chairman of National Council.
The Certificate of Operational Establishment as Special Economic Zone Gresik (SEZ JIIPE)
SEZ JIIPE Gresik is viewed capable to provide multiple effects whose can contributes to the national economy. This assessment was decided by the SEZ National Council in a Council meeting of SEZ East Java together with the National Council for Special Economic Zones (SEZ) through stages of evaluating and assessing locations, land, infrastructure, facilities, as well as the development of management in SEZ JIIPE Gresik. SEZ JIIPE Gresik, which just received status as Special Economic Zone Gresik one year ago, has met requirements for location of activities, land, infrastructure that it has carried out SEZ function as one of strategies to develop economy and officially be able to operate.
The Certificate of Operational Establishment for Special Economic Zone Gresik (KEK) was submitted
at JIIPE office, Gresik
On this occasion, Deputy Coordinating Minister for the Economy for Regional Development and Spatial Planning Wahyu Utomo appreciated JIIPE's readiness in optimizing its function as a SEZ. According to him, this is in accordance with President Joko Widodo's instructions which encourage SEZs as one of strategies to boost economy.
In addition, to ensure the readiness of investment in SEZ JIIPE Gresik, the government has prepared several incentives including financial facilities as stated in PP 40 of 2021 which is highlighting government's commitment to provide fiscal support. SEZ JIIPE Gresik has provided world-class utility facilities needed by industry, as well as special port which potentially boosts the regional economy of Gresik as well as East Java
"East Java is the province with the largest GRDP which is must continuously maintained and improving contribution to national economy. We hope that this will be special attractiveness for SEZ Gresik development in the future. We hereby declare that SEZ JIIPE Gresik is ready to operate, and we always support its potential development in attracting more investors into the region” he said.
Elen Setiadi, Acting Secretary General of the SEZ National Council added, "The Secretary General of SEZ National Council has discussed with PT Freeport Indonesia as the anchor tenant in SEZ JIIPE Gresik, and received information that the development target has reached 40%, and the target of end December 2023 will be in accordance with working plan. All supporting facilities needed by this project are relatively ready, we will continuously monitor its progress to ensure the spatial completeness around JIIPE," said Elen.
On the same occasion, the President Director of PT BKMS as the SEZ JIIPE Gresik Management, Bambang Soetiono expressed his gratitude for support given by government to SEZ Gresik. "In the course of one year after the SEZ Gresik status was received, the attractiveness of SEZ JIIPE Gresik has been improving. We see several potential tenants from within and outside the country who are interested and will come to JIIPE soon, we hope it is a sign of optimism in driving the East Java economy," he said.
By having full support from Central and Regional Governments, the accelerated development in SEZ JIIPE Gresik will be more optimal. Policy coordination within the region will also improve, which will accelerate activities in SEZ JIIPE Gresik.