Good Corporate Governance

Risk Management Policy

Risk Management System

The Company is committed to implementing risk management to various types of risks such as operating risk, financial risk, strategic risk, and the risk of safety, health, and environment. Company continues to anticipate the possibility of risk and the possible consequences thereof.

Reviewing the Company's risk management policies and systems regularly to then be adjusted to the circumstances in the business market. In carrying out the Company's operations, risks are carefully regulated to avoid potential losses to the Company.

The Company also constantly remind employees about risk awareness so that they can contribute to the risk management and provide important input in decision making. Thus, the management and all employees are committed to implement risk management.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Risk Management System

Risk management has contributed positively in the process of planning, decision-making, and strengthening the implementation of GCG in the company. Risk management systems implemented and the Company is able to minimize or suppress the possible risks that will happen. This is evident from the effectiveness of the quality, quantity, and time is reached. Through this risk management system, the Company achieved significant revenue growth to achieve the target set.