Corporate Secretary Profile
Based on the Board of Directors Decree No.1/L-HR/11/2019 dated November 1, 2019 Mr. Suresh Vembu has been appointed as Corporate Secretary who functions as a liaison between the Company and OJK, the Stock Exchange, and other related institutions, and the community. He also serve as Director of the Company. His profile can be seen in the Board of Directors Profile section.Duties and Responsibilities of The Corporate Secretary
The Company Secretary plays an important role in the implementation of corporate governance.The Corporate Secretary plays an important role in the implementation of corporate governance. The Corporate Secretary’s four main functions are as follows:
- Keeping abreast of the capital market developments, especially legislations in the capital market.
- Providing input to the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners regarding compliance with capital market legislations.
- Assisting the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners in corporate governance implementation, which covers:
a) Disclosure of information to the public, including the availability of information on the Company’s website
b) Timely submission of reports to the financial services authority;
c) Execution and documentation of the general meeting of shareholders;
d) Organizing and documenting the meetings of the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners; - Acting as a liaison between the Company and the shareholders, financial services authority, and other stakeholders.
Brief Report of the Corporate Secretary Duties
In 2021, the Corporate Secretary has conducted its duties and responsibilities with the following details:
- Following the development of the Capital Market, especially the latest laws and regulations applicable in the Capital Market sector;
- Coordinating the Board of Directors’ Meetings as well as generating, storing and documenting the Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meetings;
- Preparation of the Company’s Annual Report and Sustainability Report;
- Organizing the Company’s Annual GMS in Jakarta on April 30, 2021 and the Extraordinary GMS on December 20, 2021 by implementing health protocols;
- Participating in the 2021 Public Expose Live, organized by the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the context of 44 Years of Reactivation of the Indonesian Capital Market, as a replacement for the Company’s 2021 Public Expose which was held on September 8, 2021 in Jakarta via Zoom Online Webinar ;
- Implementation of the 2020 Final Dividend and 2021 Interim Dividend;
- Implementation of the AKRA 1:5 stock split;
- Maintaining communication with, and submitting all necessary reports to the relevant Ministries, Financial Services Authority and exchange policy regulatory agencies (SROs) such as the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), KSEI and other relevant institutions.