The Company is committed to implementing the principles of good corporate governance in order to achieve Company goals that are in line with the Company’s vision and mission. To ensure the achievement of the objectives of the implementation of governance, one of the methods is the application of the whistleblowing system (WBS).
The Company has implemented the whistleblowing system since 2013. The whistleblowing system is a means of communication for internal parties and external parties of the Company to report fraud or violations committed by perpetrators within the Company. Reporting must be based on good faith and not constitute a personal complaint or based on bad will/slander.
In 2020, the Company improved the Whistleblowing System by changing the previous reporting channel via fixed line telephone to a website/online form-based reporting system. Furthermore, in 2021, the Company added reporting channels via email and WhatsApp messages. With these 3 (three) reporting channels, it is expected to optimize the Whistleblowing System reporting process in the Company. The Wistleblowing Policy were signed on October 6, 2021.
In accordance with the integrity pact signed by all employees, partners, and suppliers of goods and services for the Company, any indication of fraud must be reported online by filling in the report form via a link located on the Company’s website
Each report will be addressed and received directly by the President Director of the Company. The follow-up to the complaint is handled carefully with reference to the applicable provisions in the Company and the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia by the internal team (WBS management unit) established by the Company’s management. Communication with the whistleblower will be carried out confidentially by the whistleblower protection officer. This communication is made when information or clarification is needed for further investigation.
There are 2 reports during 2021 that have been followed up and solved.