The Company has had Policy on the procurement of goods and services as the primary guideline for all procurement of goods and services activities. This policy regulates the process of procurement of goods and services including supplier registration process, supplier selection, purchase contract and the purchase order issuance process. The purpose of this policy is to obtain a supplier who can provide assurance of sustainable supply of goods and services in accordance with the Company's quality standards at competitive prices and ensure the procurement of goods and services is conducted with governance based on the Company’s interests as well as in compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia.
AKR is committed to fulfil the rights of creditors in accordance with the Company policies and the prevailing laws and regulations or agreement specifying the rights and obligations of the Company and its creditors.
AKR continuously provide suppliers with a capability/knowledge enhancement in the form of providing explanations related to the procurement policy of goods and services in the Company, especially for prospective new suppliers. The suppliers are required to have occupational safety and health standards and obligations to comply with applicable standards and regulations, either in the AKR or in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.