PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. (The Company) is committed to maintain and comply with all legal provisions and principles of Human Rights in all its business activities, which is in line with:
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the United Nation
- Principles of Fundamental Rights at Work based on the 8 Core Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
- Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights
- Principles of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
In order to realize this, the Company has implemented strict and consistent non-discrimination principles in the management of Human Resources (HR), as follow:
- We give freedom to all employees to express opinions and suggestions, both as a group and individually.
- We provide a channel for submitting complaints regarding violations or incidents within the scope of work.
- We conduct business and respect the Human Rights and dignity of all people in accordance with existing legal requirements.
- We treat all employees fairly and ensure that every employee gets the same opportunities and treatment. In this case, the company has implemented strict and consistent principles of non-discrimination (gender, age, ethnicity, race, religion, inter-group, marital status, disability, social position/class) in the recruitment process and human resource management.
- We prohibit the existence of underage workers, forced labor, trafficking of workers and ensure the achievement of safety and healthy working conditions.
- We do not differentiate workers' wages based on gender.
- We provide opportunities for all outstanding employees to be rotated to other working areas or to be promoted to a higher position.
- We strive to create and build a workplace that is free from harassment, intimidation, inhumane treatment, or other criterias protected by applicable law.
- We respect and comply with the human rights of communities around the company areas which may be affected by our business activities, we recognize and respect community identity, cultural diversity, potentially different community needs and aspirations, and the existence of different communities’ manners and social practices.
This policy applies to all employees of the Company and entities, and becomes the responsibility of all Company stakeholders.
The implementation of this policy in each scope will be coordinated, monitored and evaluated by ESG Committee, and will be reported to the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and all Company stakeholders in the Company's Sustainability Report. The Company together with all stakeholders are committed to implement this policy and are actively involved in the monitoring process through the Company's whistleblowing system.