AKR upholds the principles of inclusion and diversity. All Company employees, whether they are entry-level employees or at the Company management level, have the same rights to be involved, express opinions, create and innovate at AKR. AKR’s inclusivity policy also encourages the creation of a diversity in the composition of Company officials, based on gender, educational background, or age group.
As of 31 December 2022, the Company employed 2,645 people consisting of 2.269 male and 376 female employees, including contract employees. This was a increase of 32 people compared to 2,613 people the previous year. In 2022, AKR recruited 439 new employees, consisting of 371 male and 68 female employees.
In other side, the Company’s turnover ratio over the last two years continued to be stable. The Company’s turnover ratio for 2022 was 4.6% with 422 employees resigning, consisting of 384 male and 38 female employees. The Company's employee turnover was below 10%, which is classified as healthy ratio. The Company achieved this result due to the support from its employee engagement programs and Human Resources development strategies implemented by AKR’s People Development Department.
AKR put concern in the welfare of its employees in line with Indonesian Labor Regulation. The Company provides various allowances and facilities in accordance with employee status. The Company is also committed to continuously improving its employees’ welfare, and the Company ensures it fulfills all the normative rights of employees in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. During the pandemic, the Company did not reduce employee salaries and benefits.
Even as an appreciation for their performance, the Company continued to pay annual bonuses to employees with criteria determined by Management. AKR continues to build a mutually respectful two-way relationship with all employees and workers. To maintain good relations, we always prioritize freedom of opinion, and are open to all information received. Routinely, the Company runs communication forums to discuss matters related to employment. One of which, in 2022, the Company held an Operational meeting attended by the Heads of Branch / Deputy Heads of Branch called “COLLAGILITY” (Collaboration - Agility). This meeting’s purpose was to develop collaboration between Branch Managers and Functional Departments. During this meeting operational targets were connected to Company values, so that the relevance of Company values is conveyed in our daily activities.